I have decided to start a blog so that we can track the progress as our new house is built.
I'm sure some of our friends and family may be interested in the progress as well.
So please feel free to follow the journey of the building of our first home together.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

3/8/11 - It's been a while, but they are making progress!

It's been a while since I've last updated this, but yes, they are still making progress.

Sometime between 2/13/11 and 2/20/11 they finished the shingles on our roof...so no more water and ice in our house (as long as they keep the windows closed).  Speaking of keeping the windows closed...I really wish they would to keep that darn pigeon out of our house.  I hate birds and it has decided the second story of our house belongs to him.  Oh yeah, they also got our garage door put in and they have the house prepped to start the stone work on the front.

On 2/24/11 we met with our builder and had a "Pre-drywall Walk Through".  During this meeting we made sure they had all of the plumbing and wiring where it should be.  We also found out that they put our second story furnace up in the attic so they are going to knock out the wall that was supposed to be a closet to store the furnace in our laundry room...meaning...I get a bigger laundry room (an extra 3 foot longer)!!!!  Ross the construction manager told us that the next week they will start insulating and then after that drywalling.

On 2/26/11 they started the stone work on our house.  Here is a close up of the stones.

And here is a picture of what the house looks like so far with the stone work they had completely.

On 3/1/11 we found out that Ross (the construction manager) had been fired, but he was quickly replaced.  Thankfully this event will not effect the progress of the building of our house.

And as of today, they have all of the insulation done on the inside and the drywall has been delivered...that means drywalling this week!  The stone work on the front has been completed and the front step has been poured.  Here are a few pictures of what the outside of our home looks like for now.  Looks like the only thing they have left on the outside is lighting, painting and grading our yard!

Tata for now!  

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