I have decided to start a blog so that we can track the progress as our new house is built.
I'm sure some of our friends and family may be interested in the progress as well.
So please feel free to follow the journey of the building of our first home together.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

1/23/11 - We walked through our house!

Our friends, from Silverthorne were in town on Sunday, and they wanted to see where we were building, and what our house looked like so far.  They were not working but in one day (Saturday) they got most of the first floor framed.  Here's a pictures of them standing in our formal living room!  :-)

This is the door coming in from the garage and where our 1/2 bath will be.

 This is our living room.

And there is our Study, behind our living room.

More to come soon.  I bet in no time our whole house will be framed!

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