I have decided to start a blog so that we can track the progress as our new house is built.
I'm sure some of our friends and family may be interested in the progress as well.
So please feel free to follow the journey of the building of our first home together.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

12/29/10 - We have a hole!

The building process has begun!  We drove over to our lot on Wednesday 12/19/10 and they have dug our basement!  It was too dark to take pictures, but we came back after the 1st of the year and were able to get some.  Here are some pictures from 1/2/11.

Below is a picture looking at our hole in the ground facing south east.  The front of our house will face North.

Here is a picture of our basement hole as I'm facing south, so this is the front of our house.

This is a picture as I'm facing south west...this is where our front porch will be.  :-)

Here is a picture as I'm facing north west so this is the back of the house.

And here are the concrete forms so they can pour our foundation.

A big imagination is needed now, but soon we will have our foundation poured!

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